Boxers are playful and friendly! This breed is very good around kids. They also are quite mischievous; they may jump on the table or play with the trash. Boxers can live up to 8-10 years and sometimes even longer. Our beloved Piper lived until she was 12 years old. From personal experience with our two boxers, Elsa and Ruger, is that they are high energy and attention loving. They are also super smart and know what emotions you have.
Ruger is our fawn boxer boy who we got last November 2020. He is a big (~60 lbs) baby and is very different from his big sister Elsa. He’s more laid back and relaxed. He will follow us around the house and will make sure that you know that he’s right there. When Ruger wants to play he will let you know and is extra gentle with girls. He is a pandemic pup and doesn’t like to be left alone and can’t stand to be crated and cries to the top of his lungs if he’s left alone. He loves to ride in the car. Ruger is currently 11 months old and is super awesome!
Elsa is our brindle boxer girl and is very different from Ruger. She’s more vocal and not as energetic as she once was. However, since Ruger has been around she does like to wrestle with him. She really enjoys sunbathing on the back deck and playing frisbee. When Elsa wants attention, food, and to go use the restroom, she makes this really annoying sound and will not stop until her need is fulfilled (she talks!!!). Elsa is currently 6 years old (almost 7) and is super cool.